Monday 14 July 2014


I'm writing about Bios Life Slim, a product of Unicity International. First, let me say this. I'm THE TYPICAL OVERWEIGHT GIRL. I've been overweight all my life. I love food. I've been on every diet plan, spent thousands of dollars, made every promise to myself and tried so very hard to live up to them all. I work out, I have a gym membership (and I use it!). I've failed miserably...Until Now!

I was weeks away from having the gastric bypass surgery when one of my closest friends, after watching him recover from a stroke, started taking SLIM the first week of June, 2011. I witnessed the changes in him and was intrigued on how easy it was. 

During his weight and health transition, I was taking the product but still intending to have the gastric bypass, not really thinking that I would really feel as good as I started to feel. 

What I learned about one month into taking it was that the reason I failed at all the other plans was the restrictions that I had on what I could and could not eat; having to count calories; feeling guilty about what I ate - always feeling deprived.

This product helps you to change the way you eat simply by helping you feel full. It is all natural. This is a product that you can take for the rest of your life, even when you hit your ideal weight. I have a family member that takes Slim because it keeps her regular. My husband's blood pressure is normal now for the first time since I've known him after 25 years of being married!

Let's be honest. Excessive weight affects everything we do. Losing weight is literally the hardest thing to do. Over eating is a disorder, embarrasing, personal and a lonely journey. If  there is something out there that can help that is natural, easy to use and healthy, isn't it worth a try?

With healthy food choices and moderate exercise, Bios Life Slim is a perfect blend!

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